April 2017

White Fungus

This publication began in the spirit of pure anarchy. It was initiated as a pseudoanonymous protest against corporate interests overriding community values and concerns in Wellington, New Zealand, where the publication was initially based. In particular, the first issue was directed as a protest against the building of an innercity motorway that has subsequently displaced Wellington’s artists and left a hollow commercial shell where there was once a vibrant community. The publication was produced quickly on a photocopier, wrapped in Christmas paper and hurled anonymously through the entrances of local businesses. The road was built but nearly nine years on this publication continues.


  • 192 pages 
  • 21 x 28 cm
  • English
  • Issue 15
  • published in Taiwan

Editors note von AMAM

White Fungus – gegründet als Protestschrift gegen einen innerstädtischen Autobahnbau in Wellington, der ein Künstlerviertel auslöschen sollte, ist heute viel mehr als das. Der Autobahnbau konnte zwar nicht verhindert werden, aber auch genau deshalb ist das Magazin wichtiger den je. Die Idee des Widerstandes ist größer als das Scheitern einer Initiative gegen ein Infrastrukturprojekt.

Es geht um Raum für Künstler. Diesen zu erschaffen und zu bewahren wird zur obersten Priorität. Mittlerweile nicht mehr in Neuseeland sondern in Taiwan produziert verbindet es Welten, die davor nur koexistierten. Musiker, (Performance-)Künstler und viele weitere Aspekte der lokalen Kunstausübung finden eine Plattform und ein Sprachrohr. White Fungus setzt sich gegen die Kommerzialisierung und für die Unterstützung  lokaler (künstlerischer) Aktivitäten ein.

Gestalterisch ein wunderbar kurzweiliges Magazin mit gezielt eingesetzten Raffinessen. Schöne Weißräume und intelligente Kompositionen führen uns als Leser durch die teilweise aufwühlenden Inhalte. Die mutige Bildsprache korrespondiert wunderbar mit der aufgeräumten aber doch frechen Typografie. 

Einfach ein wirklich schönes Stück Editorial und Magazinkultur. Aus Taiwan und Neuseeland, aber für die ganze Welt.


Viel Spaß beim Lesen. Bleibt inspiriert!


Who are the guys behind White Fungus?

White Fungus was started by the brothers Ron and Mark Hanson. We began the publication in Wellington, New Zealand in 2004 after returning from a period living in Taiwan. Since 2009 White Fungus has been based in Taiwan.

So – why White Fungus?

White Fungus began as an intended one-off publication protesting the building of an inner-city “bypass” that cut through the arts district and saw the destruction or removal of many heritage buildings. The name comes from a can of “white fungus” produced in the industrial zone of Taichung City, Taiwan. Each cover of the magazine is derived from a scan of the can.

Why a print magazine?

Print is tactile and the connections it facilitates tend to be more lasting than those spawned by your typical web-click.

What are you doing when you are not working on White Fungus?

We also organize multi-disciplinary art events in galleries, night clubs and other spaces. These often involve extreme forms of music and performance art.

Which magazine is a must-read if you like White Fungus?

Last year we were driving through the corn fields of Iowa and we were introduced by our friend Nick Yeck-Stauffer to the zine-cum-published book Life Is Rip Off by Jon Olson, a member of Wolf Eyes. Olson committed to year of writing one record revue a day. These were initially published in screw-bound zine form but later resulted in a book published by Thirdman Books.

Any future plans with the magazine you want to spread?

This year weʼll be dedicating more attention to White Fungusʼs sister publication The Subconscious Restaurant. Weʼll be working with some new Taiwanese writers to develop this bilingual (English and Chinese) magazine. 

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